Sometimes you just scratch your head and say, "how come I didn't think of that?" That's what I said to myself when I received the Betabook to review. The Betabook is a
portable whiteboard bound between two covers to resemble a book. I received the small A4 Betabook with a black marker and fleece eraser to try out. For the past year I have really delved into sketchnoting and thought that I would give the Betabook a try. The Betabook is extremely portable and you would hardly know it was in your bag to carry it. Owing to the fact that it is an analog device-it is extremely easy to use, just open the Betabook take the cap off of the supplied dry erase marker and you are ready to go. The whiteboard surface is smooth, bright and easy to write on, with the fine point dry erase marker. I did go out to Staples and purchase a set of multi-colored dry erase markers to supplement the black marker that was included. The colors looked great on the Betabook and when it was time to erase the whiteboard the fleece eraser worked well. Throwing the Betabook in my bag reminds me how freeing analog tools can be. No worries about having to charge the device and with my iPhone it is easy to snap a shot and share my ideas with others. If you are a visual thinker and like sketchnoting or whiteboarding and have always yearned for a portable solution here it is.
For those of you that need more real estate you can purchase the Betabook Pro which is an A3 size. For me the A4 size works well and barely takes up any room in my backpack which is great! For more information please go to Betabook.


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