For the past 6 months I have been using the WACOM Bamboo Slate and iPad to create info-graphics for many of the assistive technologies that I have been using with students. What started out as a just a way for me to explore some new gadgets quickly became an enjoyable activity for me at the end of a busy day. In the evenings, to relax, I will take out my Bamboo Slate and using a mechanical pencil begin to draw a screen shot or gadget and then ink it with the Bamboo pen. Once the drawing is inked, I send it to my iPad and begin to color it using the Bamboo Paper app.

I have to tell you that I find it very relaxing creating these info-graphics and there is something engaging about drawing the images. I have received a great deal of positive feedback and some educators have approached me about wanting to purchase them for classroom use. I am in the process of putting together a list of the info-graphics that I have created and will be offering them laminated for easy reference and use. The info-graphics cover a wide array of apps and hardware and are a easy to use quick reference which would be ideal for classroom teachers or students taking courses in educational technology and special education. I am working on the pricing but am trying to keep the costs down so that I can this information into the hands of teachers, students, and parents. I should be able to create the info-graphic guides so that there are 2 guides in a heavy lamination for ease of use. The info-graphic guides can be three holed punched so that you can keep them in a binder. The laminated guide which would consist of two different but related info-graphic guides are $10 dollar each. Single page info-graphic guides would run $5.00. Volume pricing is available.

Here is a partial list of some of the guides that are now available.

Getting Started with Voice Typing
Using Voice Commands with Voice Typing
Using Popplet 
Using the C-Pen Scanning Reader Pen
Using Word Online with Immersive Reading
Using WordQ for Chrome
Using ThoughtQ for Chrome
Getting Started with Co:Writer Universal for Chrome
Using Flipgrid in the Classroom
Using Sonocent Audio Notetaker
Getting Started with Snap & Read for Chrome
Tips on using Read & Write for Chrome
Getting Started with ClickerDocs for Chrome
Using the Amazon Echo in the Classroom
Using Livescribe Smartpens in the Classroom

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to customize a solution.


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