Bluestacks is a desktop software which is available on play store. It is a free software to download .With this support we can run whatsapp ,messenger on our computer.
We can play android games.We can transfer data from computer to mobile or mobile to computer with Bluestacks.Any android app can be easily run on desktop with the help of it.
Minimum requirements for Bluestacks:----
1.Your computer should have at least 4 GB space in hard drive.
2.Graphics card should be updated of your computer.
3.Your system must have windows service pack 3 or above.
Pros of Bluestacks:--
1.It is available in all different versions and different languages.
2.No need for Android phone to install android apps.
Cons of Bluestacks:--
1.It is a heavy application which consumes a lots of data.
2.It requires computer or laptop .
3.It does not support windows service pack 2.
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